
Anger Management: Davis's Journey Ch.2

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maxinethebean's avatar

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Chapter 2: Here Comes the Calvary

~ Yeah that was a damn mood killer. Sorry, I cursed again but I don’t care right now and I’m about to curse a lot more because this is supposed to help me get my anger out right? Well let me tell you just how angry I was! Those fucking stuck up pieces of shit make me wanna puke every time I see them together or holding hands. Especially holding hands. I’ve been over Kari for a few years now but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy for them. I hate T.K. even more though. I remember Tai said we would be really close friends like him and Matt are. Bullshit. Matt stole Tai’s girl too so I’m not sure how he can be so calm about it.  Maybe he’s more mature than me, whatever... Honestly I could care less whether T.K. and Kari or together but they don’t have to be so fucking entitled about it. They don’t need to be rubbin’ it in my goddamn face either. They treat me like shit. Like I’m unworthy of even talking to them. I bet its because they think I’m dumb. Yet who was the one who saved them all from MaloMyotismon? Oh right this fucker! Because they were all so weak minded that he was able to attack their dreams. But I’m not weak. One day they will see that. ~

Davis turned his back to Kari and T.K, who didn’t seem to notice him. But Patamon and Gatomon saw them and poked the couple.

“Hey look guys, its Davis and Veemon!” Gatomon said happily. Little did she know that Patamon and her were about as unwelcome as their human tamers. Veemon was just as jealous as Davis when it came to Gatomon. She chose Patamon over him and it still stung for Veemon. Davis and Veemon both groaned as they saw Kari and T.K and their digimon coming towards them on the field.

“Hey Davis, how are you?” Kari said politely. He simply scoffed.

“I was quite happy until you guys decided to join the party.” Davis said bluntly. Kari looked down at the ground, not really surprised by his answer. But she looked hurt as well.

“Ugh Kari I don’t know why you bother with this piece of shit. I mean really! I still have a black eye from him so let’s just go if he won’t be pleasant.” T.K said and glared at Davis. He glared back.

“And guess who doesn’t have a black eye? Me. Cause I don’t fight like a pussy.” Davis said and smirked. T.K let out a sort of growl and his hands clenched. This satisfied Davis greatly and he just smiled wider. Kari held T.K back from getting too close to Davis.

“T.K, it’s really not worth it.” Kari said and pouted. Davis chuckled. Meanwhile, Veemon and the other digimon were having a spat of their own.

“Veemon, why do you act like this? I mean Davis is your tamer but that doesn’t mean you have to be exactly like him.” Patamon asked nicely. Veemon looked away and scoffed.

“Nah you see me and Davis are suffering the same pain with you guys. T.K took the girl Davis liked, and you took the girl I liked Patamon.” Veemon said bluntly and glared at Patamon.

“Wha-? Veemon I’m sorry I just don’t like you that way! Patamon’s just been around me for a long time now and I’m really happy with him so you need to get over this. And Davis needs to get over Kari!” Gatomon said, angry now. Davis heard Gatomon shout and he turned to her.

“And you think you’re sooooooo fucking entitled don’t you furball? You broke Veemon’s heart a thousand times like Kari broke mine. You go be with that nut sack with wings. I’m not letting my best friend get hurt any more. C’mon Veemon we’re leaving.” Davis said and Veemon happily followed him to his car. Kari, T.K, Patamon, and Gatomon were all left with their mouths agape at the nut sack comment. Davis started up the car and sped off.

“Great. The one day I took to enjoy myself I can’t even do that.” Davis said with a sigh. Veemon looked up at his best friend and pouted.

“I’m sorry things aren’t so great right now for us Davis, but it will always get better!” Veemon said with a smile. Davis returned the smile and patted Veemon on the head.

“Thanks buddy, you’re always there for me.” Davis said and smiled.

Meanwhile, a dark shadow was watching Davis ride away. She had seen the whole fight.

“Hmm... What a lovely aura he has. It’s absolutely filled with anger.”
Coarse language a bit but i didnt think id put a warning for that. enjoy!
© 2013 - 2024 maxinethebean
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LordPatamon's avatar
Seriously. I wish the comments here could have an edit button, so I could add things I forgot to add before u.u

Anyhow. I want to add more to my other comment.

"Yet who was the one who saved them all from MaloMyotismon? Oh right this fucker! Because they were all so weak minded that he was able to attack their dreams. But I’m not weak. One day they will see that."

True. He didn't fell into an illusion, but by the time he appeared to TK, TK already knew that what he saw on the illusion wasn't real thanks to Patamon. Same with the others, when Veemon's different forms (ExVee, Raidra and Flamedramon) appeared to them, they already realized that what they saw on those illusions wasn't real. Gatomon even gave a speech to Kari before Raidramon appeared to them, and in Ken's case everyone appeared to encourage him and show him their support.

In the case of the dark spore kids, TK also helped. Is just that the US dub messed up TK's original dialogs in that part. His japanese ones were deeper than what the US dubbers put him telling to those kids.

Aaaaand! It was the combined power of everyone what gave MaloMyotismon the final hit, since Imperialdramon himself told everyone to lend him their power to finish MaloMyotismon once for all.

I know and agree that Davis encouraged them to fight and win (even Kari said that on the spanish dub of the series so guess she said that in japanese too because the spanish dub was quite accurate to the japanese one). So I'm sure Davis is well respected.

Still. The fact that Davis encouraged them and the fact that he didn't gave up on the battles, doesn't means he will have anything he wants for granted. Same with Veemon who by the way never did anything on his own to get closer to Gatomon, so Davis can't say Gatomon broke Veemon's heart thousand times when they didn't even talked at all except for mission related things o.o

This of Davis (and at times Veemon too) acting like that just because Kari didn't return his feelings (and Gatomon not returning Veemon's feelings if a story includes love triangle between the digimon) is getting old, mostly since on most of them in the end TK and Patamon lose the girls which is not fair for them.

Now that of TK fighting like a pussy is quite false. Davis should ask Ken. Ken knows first hand how hard TK punches. My only explanation is that Davis got TK off guard by punching him without warning.